Serve the World While Honoring the REAL You

A year ago, I set out on a quest to discover the thread in my life story that would pull everything together for me. I longed for a business that utilized ALL of me. Feeling squelched by a world that told me I needed to be in one small niche and leave the rest of me behind, I couldn’t move forward in such a fragmented way. As it turns out, that isn’t totally necessary. There is a secret to finding how you can serve the world while still honoring every part of the real you.

First, you must find your life purpose. This isn’t as difficult as it sounds (though, honestly, I certainly made it so – for years!). The truth is, it is right in front of your face. I mean, it’s so close that you are probably looking past it. Here is a little exercise to help you see what I mean. Hold your hand up about 6 inches from your face. Now, holding your hand still move your head about trying to peek around it to see everything on the horizon.

That’s what I did. I kept looking past the very thing I was so obviously built to do. When I finally figured it out, I was working on an exercise from a course I was taking. The ultimate purpose of this exercise was to help me construct a “signature talk”. If you’re not familiar, a signature talk is something that professional speakers create so that they don’t have to craft an entirely new speech every single time they speak somewhere. They just tweak their signature talk to meet the needs of a particular audience in a more customized way.

Within this framework, I was constructing my “I believe statement”. Why was it so difficult? Frustrated, I threw down my pen and said aloud, “All I know is I believe that God is real and miracles still happen!” The “aha” hit me so strongly and this knowing came over me. ‘Could it be that simple?’, I asked myself.

What do you believe? What is one thing that you believe so strongly that you could talk about it all day every day? That belief is a huge clue to your purpose.

Once you’ve uncovered your purpose, you’ll notice that this surrounds a topic that you love immensely. How can you “biggie size” that passion? For me, the next step was asking myself “How can I use all of the talents, skills, and experience that the Lord has poured into me to serve others with that belief?”

“I can tell miracle stories,” I said to myself. How could I biggie size it? “I’ll help others share their miracle stories too!” Big or small, it’s a lot of fun to celebrate when God blesses us. So I made it my mission to help share 1,000,000 miracle stories. When you get a really big mission surrounding your purpose and passion, you’ll experience the most excitement and enthusiasm in your daily world unlike anything else!

And it will bring all the parts of you, mom, daughter, nurse, teacher, writer – whatever your eclectic group of skills and talents, they’ll all come together to serve you and your audience in the way you’ve always dreamed.

Now it’s your turn. Write these down:

What is one belief that you have that is a core value of yours?
Select the one that you could talk about all day every day. Follow this format: “I believe . . . ” (example: I believe that we have a responsibility to share our miracle stories so the world can see the things the Lord has done and know about Jesus and His love for us.)

How can you biggie size it? How can you use all the talents, skills, and experience the Lord has poured into you to serve others with that belief?

What did you discover? This is a REALLY big deal and I want to celebrate with you. Be sure to let me know in the comments.

1 Comment

  1. Nice.
    That was good.
    Looking forward to what God brings forth through you this year! 😉

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