It’s simply a fact of life. If you are fortunate enough to spend a lot of years here on this planet. Eventually, you begin to know more and more people who have gone on to their eternal rest. As a nurse, I’ve held many a hand as those I’ve cared for crossed over. And of those, many expressed regret in the days preceding. Do you ever reflect on your past and wish that some part of it could be different? Our culture tells us to sleep less and work more and then “rewards” us with words of encouragement for doing so. Yet, this life style that is so robust with accolades is lacking in fulfillment. What if, instead of going back in time, you could take actions today that would ensure that you lived a life with no regrets? It is possible, you know.
Not so long ago, I shared a planning tip with a friend who replied, “But, that works for you, because it’s one of your strengths.” It seems that everyone I know thinks that I am super organized — a planner. They see me as this person to whom organization and planning comes naturally and easily. That couldn’t be further from the truth. What they really see is an end product. They see a person who has first learned from other successful people the things that made them successful and then eventually became diligent at working hard to implement these things into her own life. Oh, how I wish I would have started with these skills! I would be light years ahead of where I am today. So, if planning and organization do not come naturally to you, breathe a sigh of relief–there is hope for you too!
While I may make organization appear effortless, that “easy effort” has been decades in the making. You,however, don’t need to wait decades! The antidote?
Let’s start with that tip I mentioned that I shared with my friend. In 2006, our local Chamber of Commerce held an Entrepreneurial Academy which I attended. Each week different experts would come in and teach us budding entrepreneurs about various aspects of owning and operating a business. One week, a woman who owned a PR firm came to speak to us about business image. Her clients were an impressive list of celebrities from sports and Hollywood, a real A-list of household names, including Buckingham Palace. Funny thing is, of all the things she shared, this tip is the one thing I still remember to this day. She said it was the single most important thing that any business person could do to ensure success in their business–she was adamant that we implement it.
As the years have passed, I have learned that ALL of the people whom I would consider major successes in business follow this rule to some degree. Since that time, I have done my best to utilize it as well. When I have, I have been able to accomplish great things and live with immense satisfaction. Sadly, there have been years where life took over and ruled me instead of me ruling over my life, so I cannot claim that I have been faithful with it for ten straight years. If you are in a place where life has taken control, take heart, this is your ticket out.
TIP #1: Set aside time for planning every single week–without fail. My expert friend set aside one full day every week. On Friday’s she took no calls, no appointments, no email–nothing. Buckingham Palace would have to be on fire for her to break this rule. Not even the Queen of England had access to her on Fridays.
What on earth could you spend an entire 8 hour work day planning? You can:
- Update your business plan.
- Write, measure, reflect upon, and schedule personal goals.
- Create your schedule for the next week
- Create and update financial plans, write your budget, pay bills, plan debt reduction.
- Have you been trying to lose weight? Plan your meals for the next week and create your grocery list from that plan.
- Are your routine medical needs met? Get on the phone and get those appointments scheduled and entered in your calendar.
If you can’t manage to set aside an entire day, commit some portion of your calendar to at least spend time deciding what is truly important to you and then make sure it gets scheduled on your calendar. This planning time needs to be a regularly scheduled activity that you reward yourself with each and every week.
[shareable]If you don’t plan your time someone else will help you waste it. ~Zig Ziglar[/shareable]
TIP#2: Take time DAILY to focus on what is truly important to you. Start each morning with a few minutes listening to your favorite music, you know–the songs that make you dream. If you haven’t yet written those dreams of yours down, you can start by simply giving yourself time to dream. Once you begin realizing what those dreams are, write them down. Now visit them each and every morning and make sure that you’ve scheduled the steps towards achieving them into your calendar.
TIP#3 Invest time regularly to be with God. This one will likely look different for each person reading. For some, it looks like a daily devotional, for others time in prayer and contemplation. Some of you will utilize this tip daily (which I highly recommend) and others are lucky enough to find time in their lives for an occasional retreat–and that’s okay. No judgment from me. But, I can tell you that the more you invest time seeking his plans for your life, the more readily those things you are planning on “planning day” will come into fruition and the more clearly you will see and know which dreams and goals you should be working toward.

TIP#4 Establish a bedtime routine. This is a great way to give yourself time to reflect. What did you achieve today? What could you improve upon tomorrow? Note this in your journal. This is also a wonderful time to take care of you! Pamper yourself with a bubble bath. Read a book strictly for fun. Or, choose your favorite way to unwind and reward yourself for all you’ve done today.
By regularly creating space in your calendar and your life to reflect, discern, and implement the things that are truly important you can be on your way to having a life that is organized, fulfilling, and void of regret.
Question: Which of these tips are you going to begin implementing today? Please share in the comments below.
2 & 3 I do. #1 I do on a smaller scale. I make my list the night before so when I wake I know what I’m supposed to do then when I spend time with God I can pray about it. Taking time to plan for the week I don’t. I’ll try that. It may not be all day, but Friday morning at least. After the conference of course…lol
I promise, it is the only reason that I am able to accomplish so much in so little time. You’ll love it!
This is so very good! I’m starting to work on several of these things already and this was just confirmation. Very well written.
Thanks, Melinda! 🙂